
系统美化高手将Win7打扮成Android 4.0

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  Flickr用户David Molina最近发帖希望能将Android Ice Cream Sandwich的魅力界面移植到PC上,经过自己的努力和朋友们的帮助,他用一些网上找来的素材完成了这一切,修改后的系统界面几乎可以以假乱真,并且控制面板和搜索框、字体都已经Android化。


  Ice Cream Sandwich wallpaper from WallBase

  APPOWS2010 theme for Windows 7 from DeviantArt to tweak the taskbar

  RocketDock with a blank theme to create the dock on the left side

  Ice Cream Sandwich Icon Pack from DroidPirate

  Rainmeter system monitor and configuration tool for Windows

  Minimal Bar skin for Rainmeter to display the time and date

  Lexis skin for Rainmeter to display the weather

  Simplesentencethree for Rainmeter for the currently playing music display in the lower-right corner

  Google Search Bar for Rainmeter

  Roboto Font (specifically Roboto Light)

cio.zol.com.cn true //cio.zol.com.cn/270/2709588.html report 843   Flickr用户David Molina最近发帖希望能将Android Ice Cream Sandwich的魅力界面移植到PC上,经过自己的努力和朋友们的帮助,他用一些网上找来的素材完成了这一切,修改后的系统界面几乎可以以假乱真,并且控制面板和搜索框、字体都已经Android化。  所有素材列表:...
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